
14 Apr

LED lighting transformation helps Davos achieve green transformation

LED lighting transformation helps Davos achieve green transformation

Xin Nuofei announced that it will replace the street lights and lighting fixtures in the conference center for Davos

15 Jul

The intelligent upgrade and renovation project of highway tunnel lighting in Fujian Province is completed

The intelligent upgrade and renovation project of highway tunnel lighting in Fujian Province is completed

Recently, the province's highway tunnel lighting intelligent improvement and transformation project undertaken by Fujian Expressway Information Technology Company

12 Jul

The State Administration for Market Regulation clarifies the implementation time of energy efficiency labeling of LED flat panel lamps

The State Administration for Market Regulation clarifies the implementation time of energy efficiency labeling of LED flat panel lamps

On December 14, the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation

11 Jul

2023 Shenzhen Light and Shadow Art Season opens

2023 Shenzhen Light and Shadow Art Season opens

This light and shadow art season is hosted by the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, hosted by the Shenzhen Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau,

10 Jul

Green lighting design for Asia’s largest railway station

Green lighting design for Asia’s largest railway station

The much-anticipated Guangzhou Baiyun Station, China's largest TOD comprehensive transportation hub and one of Asia's largest railway stations, was officially opened on December 26.

09 Jul

Tianjin Jizhou District carries out street light inspections to cope with rain and snow weather

Tianjin Jizhou District carries out street light inspections to cope with rain and snow weather

In order to actively respond to the safe and stable operation of street lights in severe snowfall and cold weather, on December 13,

08 Jul

Heilongjiang Qitai River fully launches Spring Festival lighting project

Heilongjiang Qitai River fully launches Spring Festival lighting project

In order to celebrate the "Double Festival", create a strong festive atmosphere, further enhance the lighting level of the city's night scene,

05 Jul

Laneway lighting project in Wuzhong Tongxin County, Ningxia

Laneway lighting project in Wuzhong Tongxin County, Ningxia

Recently, the working team in Pingyuan Village, Maguan Town, Tongxin County, Wuzhong City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region combined the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, focusing on the general requirements of "learning ideas, strengthening party spirit, e

04 Jul

180 solar LED street lights light up Qifeng Village in Yunnan

180 solar LED street lights light up Qifeng Village in Yunnan

Recently, 180 solar street lights donated by the Yunnan Office of Nursery Action (Hong Kong, China) to Qifeng Village, Heqing County,

03 Jul

Dongguan Mini/Micro LED and automotive LED projects start construction

Dongguan Mini/Micro LED and automotive LED projects start construction

Recently, Dongguan City disclosed the progress of major projects. From January to November, Dongguan City completed an investment of 122.028 billion yuan in major projects, completing 93.9% of the annual investment task.



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