The State Administration for Market Regulation clarifies the implementation time of energy efficiency labeling of LED flat panel lamps

On December 14, the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the "Notice on Issuing the Catalog of Products Subject to Energy Efficiency Labeling of the People's Republic of China (Sixteenth Batch)" and related implementation rules (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice").

The State Administration for Market Regulation clarifies the implementation time of energy efficiency labeling of LED flat panel lamps

The notice pointed out that the "Implementation Rules for Energy Efficiency Labeling of LED Flat Panel Lamps for General Lighting" will be implemented from June 1, 2024 and will be valid for 5 years. Products shipped or imported before June 1, 2024 can be postponed to June 1, 2026 to apply energy efficiency labels in accordance with the implementation rules.

This rule is formulated in accordance with the "Energy Efficiency Labeling Management Measures". The relevant technical indicators are based on the "GB 38450 - 2019 Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Levels of LED Flat Panel Lamps for General Lighting" standard, which is applicable to LED flat panels for general lighting with LED as light source, rated voltage 220V, frequency 50Hz, and thickness not exceeding 85mm. Lamps (including LED light sources and their control devices, the thickness of external control devices is not included in the thickness of the lamp). It is not applicable to LED panel lights with energy-consuming non-lighting additional functions, LED panel lights with dimming/color-adjusting functions, and LED panel lights with colored patterns or decorative parts on the continuous light-emitting surface.

The implementation rules stipulate that the logo is a color logo with a blue and white background, with a length of 45mm and a width of 30mm. The logo name is: CHINA ENERGY LABEL.

Among them, the detection methods of product energy efficiency performance-related parameters such as power, luminous efficacy, correlated color temperature, color rendering index, luminous flux maintenance rate, etc. should be based on the currently effective versions of GB 38450 and GB/T 31897.201.


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