Heilongjiang Qitai River fully launches Spring Festival lighting project

In order to celebrate the "Double Festival", create a strong festive atmosphere, further enhance the lighting level of the city's night scene, activate the cultural life of citizens during the Spring Festival, enhance the taste of the city, and highlight the charm of the city, the Urban Road and Lighting Service Center of Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province opened on December 12 On March 24, the 2024 Spring Festival lighting project was fully launched.

Heilongjiang Qitai River fully launches Spring Festival lighting project

This year's Spring Festival lighting project is based on the theme of "Celebrating the New Year with great success and celebrating the New Year with joy". It is based on the word "early", implements the word "real", breaks through the word "grab", and achieves a "bright (beautiful)" "Character. This Spring Festival lighting project mainly focuses on hanging red lanterns on street light poles, installing festive lighting shapes, laying net lights on green belts, winding string lights on tree trunks and crowns, and hanging lighting accessories such as hollow umbrellas and lucky bags. They are mainly distributed in nearly 14 places around the Party and Government Center, Taoshan Park, and Xuefu Street. The installation project is scheduled to be fully completed by the end of January 2024.


In order to ensure the safe and orderly progress of the lighting project, the Qitaihe City Urban Road and Lighting Service Center strictly controls the construction standards, focuses on improving the landscape effect of the lighting facilities during the day, and strives to achieve beautiful scenery day and night, creating a "happy, civilized, The festive atmosphere of "harmony" makes the city beautiful and the flavor of the New Year is strong.


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