Laneway lighting project in Wuzhong Tongxin County, Ningxia

Recently, the working team in Pingyuan Village, Maguan Town, Tongxin County, Wuzhong City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region combined the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, focusing on the general requirements of "learning ideas, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements", and We must fulfill the prescribed actions and make the implementation measures distinctive, strive to achieve tangible results in the aspects of "learning to build the soul, learning to increase wisdom, learning to correct the style, and learning to promote cadres", and vigorously inherit and carry forward the "Four Lower Grassroots" "Excellent work style, improve the level of serving the people, truly ask the people for their needs, and solve the urgent, difficult and anxious problems of the people. The village work team actively coordinates the dispatched assistance unit Ningxia Federation of Trade Unions to provide strong support, and specially arranges nearly 120,000 yuan in assistance funds. Yuan, the Pingyuan Village laneway lighting project was successfully implemented.

Laneway lighting project in Wuzhong Tongxin County, Ningxia

On December 25, 60 brand-new solar street lights were transported to Pingyuan Village, Xiamaguan Town, and installed on several main roads in the village, lighting up the villagers' way home and providing a safety guarantee for the villagers traveling at night.

This year, after many surveys and visits, the Pingyuan Village working team found that many lanes in the village have no street lights and are dark at night, which affects the villagers' travel. Especially during the busy seasons of spring planting and autumn harvest, it is even more inconvenient for villagers to leave early and return late. At the same time, there are many potential safety hazards, so the villagers’ biggest request is to install street lights on the roads in the village. In order to effectively address the needs of the masses and improve the quality of life of villagers, the village working team and the two village committees decided to implement the road lighting project based on preliminary household surveys and listening to the opinions and suggestions of the masses. The village-based work team actively applied with the stationed unit, the Ningxia Federation of Trade Unions, and received strong support from the Federation of Trade Unions. They decided to purchase and install 60 solar street lights for Pingyuan Village, install them on the main roads in the village, and complete the installation and commissioning before the 27th of this month.

The implementation of the laneway lighting project in Pingyuan Village has effectively solved the practical problem of "difficulty traveling" among villagers at night, beautified the living environment, and illuminated the "happy road" of the village. In the next step, the Pingyuan Village resident working team will continue to fulfill its responsibilities, understand the difficulties and demands of the people with heart and soul, and take the fulfillment of the four responsibilities of the village work and the satisfaction of the people as the starting point and end point of the work, so as to effectively consolidate the Expand the effective connection between poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization and contribute!


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