
11 Mar

Are LED lamps really environmentally friendly?

Are LED lamps really environmentally friendly?

In LED chip production, cleaning agents such as inorganic acids, oxidants, complexing agents, hydrogen peroxide,

08 Mar

Healthy LED lighting used in children’s tablets

Healthy LED lighting used in children’s tablets

The children's tablet is a children's interactive smart product aimed at children's eye protection and learning.

07 Mar

LED lighting hopes for low carbon and healthy life

LED lighting hopes for low carbon and healthy life

The LED lighting industry has experienced a trough in the past year.

06 Mar

The light of intelligent connectivity and low carbon illuminates the sports dream of a powerful country

The light of intelligent connectivity and low carbon illuminates the sports dream of a powerful country

As the 19th Asian Games approaches, the lights of sports venues, municipal roads, and landmark buildings in Hangzhou,

05 Mar

Hangzhou the West Lake night scene lights improved

Hangzhou the West Lake night scene lights improved

The evening breeze is blowing, why not go for a stroll around the West Lake .

04 Mar

Street lighting project in Mengcun County, Cangzhou, Hebei

Street lighting project in Mengcun County, Cangzhou, Hebei

The Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are approaching. In order to further enhance the effect of urban lighting landscape and assist in the creation of provincial-level civilized cities,

01 Mar

Night view lighting of buildings in Jinyi New District, Jinhua, Zhejiang

Night view lighting of buildings in Jinyi New District, Jinhua, Zhejiang

The night view lighting improvement project of Jinyi New District (Eastern Area), Jinhua City,

29 Feb

Chongqing Changshou No. 1 Middle School completed the LED lighting renovation of the teaching building

Chongqing Changshou No. 1 Middle School completed the LED lighting renovation of the teaching building

"The lights in the school corridors are too dark, and I have to go downstairs in the dark to study at night."

28 Feb

Lighting design of 41 sushi restaurant in Ginza, Spain

Lighting design of 41 sushi restaurant in Ginza, Spain

The first thing when we started this project was that we all agreed that we wanted new customers to live in it and how much we wanted to create a Japanese enclave in the middle of the mountains.

27 Feb

Qujiang Yungu Scenic Area Light Show Upgraded and Debuted

Qujiang Yungu Scenic Area Light Show Upgraded and Debuted

Colorful characters such as "I love Guang'an" and "Guang'an will have a better tomorrow" appear on the 117-meter-high Shenguang Building,



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