180 solar LED street lights light up Qifeng Village in Yunnan

Recently, 180 solar street lights donated by the Yunnan Office of Nursery Action (Hong Kong, China) to Qifeng Village, Heqing County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province have been put into use. The project has solved the night lighting problem that has troubled the villagers for a long time and also added new features to Qifeng rural tourism. kinetic energy.

180 solar LED street lights light up Qifeng Village in Yunnan

It is reported that Qifeng is taking the installation of solar street lights as an opportunity to explore and carry out nostalgic night markets, mass sports events and other activities during the Ewha Cultural Tourism Festival, continue to enrich the Ewha Festival tourism format, and promote the quality and efficiency of rural tourism.

The nursery offers love and deep friendship. The total investment in the Qifeng solar street light project is 336,600 yuan, covering two village groups, Qifeng Shangying and Xiaying, directly benefiting more than 100 farmers and more than 500 people. This project originated from the care and help of the Yunnan Overseas Chinese Federation, a designated assistance unit. In mid-May, the grassroots work department of the Yunnan Overseas Chinese Federation and the Nursery Action (Hong Kong, China) Yunnan Office (referred to as "Nursery Action") went to Qifeng Village to investigate the work in the village. The solar street light lighting project recommended by the team; in mid-September, the Qifeng Village solar street light donation project was registered with the competent department; in late December, 180 solar street lights arrived in Qifeng and were put into use one after another. It is understood that this is the first rural revitalization assistance project implemented by the business management unit of Nursery Action after its transfer. After the establishment of the street light project, the Nursery Action Yunnan office actively promoted and mobilized funds from various parties, devoted a lot of effort to the implementation of the project, and carried out A series of hard, meticulous and productive work. This project is a donation project from representative organizations of overseas non-governmental organizations. Its implementation requires the coordination of all parties and the gathering of joint efforts. The leaders of the Provincial Overseas Chinese Federation attach great importance to the Qifeng Village Street Light Assistance Project, taking the lead in coordinating fund raising, project approval and other matters, and providing guidance for the introduction of the project. The Dali Prefecture Overseas Chinese Federation and relevant departments of Heqing County also actively participated to ensure the smooth implementation of the project.

The night lights warm the hearts of the people. The solar street light project embodies Nursery Action's deep love for the people in the mountainous areas and the generous funding for rural revitalization from caring overseas Chinese. Local farmers have praised the implementation of the project.


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