
30 Oct

LED lighting applications in classrooms

LED lighting applications in classrooms

Classroom lighting on the visual health of students have a great impact, as the eyes of the non-visual effects, different color temperature spectrum

30 Oct

Clothing stores will use LED lights

Clothing stores will use LED lights

China is the world's clothing manufacturing country , but also the global clothing consumer, large and small cities throughout the market selling clothing .

30 Oct

Main points that LED down light should pay attention to

Main points that LED down light should pay attention to

The widely used LED down lights are inseparable with its own advantages, we will analyze several issues that LED down light should pay attention to:

30 Oct

LED down light has widely used for lighting space

LED down light has widely used for lighting space

The time is just a few decades that LED lighting began to be used in lighting area, but it was a big development, at present,

30 Oct

Grille type T8 LED Tube

Grille type T8 LED Tube

With the all-round development in recent years, LED applications , a variety of alternatives to traditional fluorescent rapid development of LED lighting products and continue to improve

30 Oct

The basic standards for LED fluorescent light

The basic standards for LED fluorescent light

  LED power supply for LED fluorescent lamp is a very imp

30 Oct

LED lights heat Mistakes

LED lights heat Mistakes

LED lights, the heat are directly related to the quality and longevity. But because of speculation by some businessman

30 Oct

LED panel lights will become the new hot sellers of furniture lighting

LED panel lights will become the new hot sellers of furniture lighting

Currently , LED panel lights are used in indoor lighting, more widely , whether it is home or office, most of them are already using LED panel lights.

30 Oct

Computational Formula of Energy Consumption of LED Street Lights

Computational Formula of Energy Consumption of LED Street Lights

LED lights are very common in our daily life, but how to calculate the energy consumption of LED street lights?

30 Oct

What is the reason of suspended animation of LED lights

What is the reason of suspended animation of LED lights

LED lights may appear the phenomenon of suspended animation in the production process (i.e. the light is not lit).



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