Grille type T8 LED Tube

  With the all-round development in recent years, LED applications , a variety of alternatives to traditional fluorescent rapid development of LED lighting products and continue to improve . In particular, LED Tube , performance rising, falling prices have reached a comprehensive alternative to the traditional fluorescent tube stage.

 Grille type T8 LED Tube

  Currently on the market, most of the T8 LED Tube substantially complete in accordance with the dimensions and lighting effects designed for traditional fluorescent tubes . Although the purpose of reaching an alternative , but it also brings a lot of problems . The main problem is the drive power LED fluorescent tube heat condition is not good , compared with a high drive power LED lamp beads temperature close to the other parts , which have seriously affected the whole lamp life lamp , LED long life can not be fully advantage.

  Most of the T8 LED fluorescent tubes in the market, not only in terms of size length , diameter , etc. in strict accordance with the standards of traditional fluorescent design , but also increases the length of smooth as possible, to achieve the same traditional fluorescent lighting . In this way , you can only do grow lamp drive power strip , placed in the aluminum tube housing. Aluminum housing LED light source is used to heat after the lamp lit stable , its surface temperature is at least higher than the ambient temperature is above 10 ℃, making the drive power within its operating temperature than the ambient temperature is higher than 10 ℃, life will reduce power doubled. Simultaneously driving the switching power supply generally use isolated , more than 200mm in length , about 86% efficiency , so there is more than 2W emanating heat loss , causes the adjacent panel 200mm long LED light source than the junction temperature than the distance distant light junction temperature high around 7 ℃, the life of the LED light source will be partially reduced by more than 10,000 hours. Because of this structure is unreasonable layout , seriously affecting the whole lamp LED lamp life , making the manufacturers claimed the life indicators greatly reduced , causing the user to actually use a bad influence.

  For the existing problems of T8 LED fluorescent tube type , by studying the characteristics of LED lighting design and lamps used within Grille situation , combined with the relevant requirements of the standard lamp , is launching a new structure type T8 LED Tube layout, both to circumvent these problems , but also can play features LED lighting.


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