
30 Oct

American supermarket select LED lamps for lighting renovation

American supermarket select LED lamps for lighting renovation

The U.S. Raley 's stores have chosen a series of energy-efficient LED lighting transformation, including the new petrol stations

30 Oct

Office LED lighting needs

Office LED lighting needs

There are general office premises, office, and business center. Due to the special nature of office space, it requires office staff that takes a long time to keep the mind fresh

30 Oct

Unique LED lighting applications in different fields

Unique LED lighting applications in different fields

LED lighting solve the problem of traditional lighting, such as some unique lighting requirements of explosion-proof, waterproof performance requirements

30 Oct

the future development of Office LED lighting

the future development of Office LED lighting

Compared with the traditional LED lighting products have obvious advantages of energy-saving , office lighting market a few years ago to start more slowly, because the traditional lighting products are mainly used in office environments T5, T8 fluorescent tubes

30 Oct

Basic performance LED lighting

Basic performance LED lighting

LED lighting market is very hot recently , the current urban landscape lighting , building lighting is LED lighting .

30 Oct

Stadiums LED lighting applications

Stadiums LED lighting applications

Stadium lighting quality will directly affect the actual level of the athletes to play , but also to the long-running managers of the cost .

30 Oct

LED stage lights are widely recognized

LED stage lights are widely recognized

With its advantages of LED , LED stage lights have been gradually recognized by the market , the market demand is growing.

30 Oct

Interior LED lighting design considerations

Interior LED lighting design considerations

The popularity of LED lights are increasing a lot, so LED lamps enter into the ordinary family has become the inevitable result, but in the selection of the household LED lamps, there are some issues that need to pay attention:

30 Oct

Low power LED downlights become the major of indoor lighting

Low power LED downlights become the major of indoor lighting

In the lighting market , in addition to LED bulb, which could be found everywhere, LED downlights and spotlights "appearance rate" is also high

30 Oct

LED lighting in-depth industrial lighting

LED lighting in-depth industrial lighting

Notable feature is the lighting technology industrial lighting less demanding , but the special and diverse needs of the application environment makes lighting exhibit extremely complex ,



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