
30 Oct

LED industrial lighting applications prospects

LED industrial lighting applications prospects

Currently, LED lighting products in the market as a whole is relatively low penetration rate.

30 Oct

ENELTEC pushing quality LED panel lights

ENELTEC pushing quality LED panel lights

LED growing range of applications, and now, LED lighting, indoor lighting seems to have become an important area of product development

30 Oct

Advantages of high voltage LED lights

Advantages of high voltage LED lights

Since the advent of the term high voltage LED , there is no doubt it is a new LED varieties , but also has many advantages.

30 Oct

LED lighting help hotels to reduce costs

LED lighting help hotels to reduce costs

Many hotel owners in the operation process will encounter various problems, such as power consumption , security and other hotels .

30 Oct

Low-end LED bulb is the best selling

Low-end LED bulb is the best selling

Currently on the market, the common LED bulb mainly concentrated in the 3W-9W, 12W bulb is rare. Reporters learned from the eternal light, 3W and 5W of LED bulb are now the best-selling in the market.

30 Oct

Public lighting market began to popularize LED lighting

Public lighting market began to popularize LED lighting

Incomparable with other light sources LED energy saving advantage. Under the same lighting effects

30 Oct

Maintenance of LED lights

Maintenance of LED lights

First , after buying LED lights , the first step is not installation, you should read the installation instructions carefully

30 Oct

Procurement points of American LED street lights

Procurement points of American LED street lights

The recent discussion on the LED lighting and lighting systems of US market is concentrating on a few key purchasing points.

30 Oct

LED lights use Tips

LED lights use Tips

LED lights can not be ordinary light dimmer, delay switch, sensor switch in the circuit.

30 Oct

ENELTEC LED lighting revolution parity

ENELTEC LED lighting revolution parity

It is understood that, from 2013, the traditional lighting manufacturers began turning to LED lighting, the downstream end of the end application will be more intense price competition



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