What is the reason of suspended animation of LED lights

  LED lights may appear the phenomenon of suspended animation in the production process (i.e. the light is not lit). This phenomenon is easiest to occur in 5050LED lamp. The reasons for this phenomenon are the following:

LED lights may appear the phenomenon of suspended animation in the production process (i.e. the light is not lit).

  1. Electrostatic burn out. Since LED is an electrostatic-sensitive component, if electrostatic protection work is not well done in the production process, the LED chip will burn out because of static electricity, thus resulting in the phenomenon of suspended animation in LED lights.

  Measure to prevent this phenomenon from happening is to strengthen the electrostatic protection. Any employees who contact the LED must wear an anti-static gloves or wrist strap in accordance with regulations. Tools and instruments must be well grounded.

  2. Damage caused from high temperature. LED is not very good in the performance of resisting high temperature. So if time and temperature for the LED soldering are not well controlled in the process of production and maintenance, the LED chip will be damaged because of the ultra-high temperature or the continuous high temperature, thus causing the phenomenon of suspended animation.

  Measures to prevent the occurrence of this phenomenon are: do reflow soldering and have a well control of soldering iron temperature. Implementing individual responsibility and specialized records management. Soldering iron by temperature will effectively prevent the burning of chips from high temperature.

  3. Moisture will burst at high temperature. If LED package is exposed to the air for the long-term exposure, it will absorb moisture. If prior use there is no dehumidified process, the LED package will burst in the process of reflow because of the high temperature and long period of time which will cause the moisture swell, thus indirectly lead to overheating and damage the LED chips.

  Solution: The storage environment of LED should be in constant temperature and humidity. Before the use of LED light that did not used up, it must be placed in an oven at about 80 ° for 6 to 8 hours to dehumidify to ensure the LED will not occur moisture absorption phenomena.


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