
29 Oct

LED lighting and OLED lighting analysis and comparison

LED lighting and OLED lighting analysis and comparison

Now, LED lighting luminous efficiency of 110 lumens per watt (lm / W), while commercial OLED products reach up to 60lm / W; On the cost side

29 Oct

LED lighting development potential

LED lighting development potential

From 2014 onwards, the United States, China, South Korea and Australia and other countries on the regulation of incandescent range from expansion of existing industrial areas to residential indoor lighting

29 Oct

Cheap prices make LED lighting into the interior lighting

Cheap prices make LED lighting into the interior lighting

ENELTEC in early March for the general mass market launch of the new LED bulbs, consumers are willing to look forward to the use of LED light bulbs at home

29 Oct

LED lighting civilian market temptation and embarrassment

LED lighting civilian market temptation and embarrassment

Some experts believe that, LED lighting civilian market is the highlight of China's LED lighting. This year, many domestic enterprises put civilian lighting market as a key to open up the object.

29 Oct

LED Panel Light Applications widely

LED Panel Light Applications widely

LED lights has energy saving, environmental protection and other obvious advantages, however, the problem has been so glare LED manufacturers headaches.

29 Oct

Three stages of the development of LED lighting

Three stages of the development of LED lighting

With LED lighting gradually common in lighting engineering and other public places, LED lighting gradually replace some of the traditional light source products.

29 Oct

LED lighting status and trends

LED lighting status and trends

With the rapid development of LED lighting, the outdoor lighting and landscape lighting are widely used, since the development and application of LED lighting rhythmically interior lighting that tends to promote a common household lighting, commercial lighting, etc.

29 Oct

LED lighting industry Current Situation

LED lighting industry Current Situation

With domestic policy environment has improved , the current development of the LED industry as a whole showed a trend of rapid development

29 Oct

Quality LED lighting products should save money and save worry

Quality LED lighting products should save money and save worry

Consumers should try to avoid selection of LED lighting low prices products, primarily because of a low price is usually at the expense of the quality of products as a precondition to achieve.

29 Oct

Hotel LED lighting design aspects need to be considered

Hotel LED lighting design aspects need to be considered

Light are the night’s elves, and made our life colorful. Light is the soul of architecture, lighted, is a night of praise, and also the light of praise. The hotel also allows people to become comfortable and colorful place at night, the hotel's lighting design is even more important.



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