
29 Oct

Japan Hospitals use new LED lighting system

Japan Hospitals use new LED lighting system

Japan Prefectural Cancer Center Hospital, using a new type of "intelligent LED lighting system" to control the entire hospital lighting, intelligent, environmentally friendly, energy-saving functions.

29 Oct

Choose the right LED lamps

Choose the right LED lamps

Compared to traditional light bulbs, LED bulbs can significantly save a lot of electricity, but to buy products LED bulbs should be noted that with the breakdown of traditional halogen bulbs difference is not small

29 Oct

LED lighting has become the mainstream of architectural solutions

LED lighting has become the mainstream of architectural solutions

Compared to other lighting technologies , LED has superior performance , and thus become the mainstream of the current general lighting market scenarios:

29 Oct

The four key technology LED lamp

The four key technology LED lamp

Fluorescent tubes have a wide range of applications in everyday life, supermarkets, school, office city, subway, etc.,

29 Oct

Common method of dimming LED lamps

Common method of dimming LED lamps

LED lighting dimming methods are the most important three: these three skills are based on the current dimming input changes for dimming.

29 Oct

Environmental performance of LED lamps

Environmental performance of LED lamps

LED lighting has been a leap in the recent developments , LED as light green cleaning is widely recognized . LED light source, long life, energy saving, easy application

29 Oct

LED lighting will become the global industry

LED lighting will become the global industry

In 2012-2016, the global industrial LED lighting market will have a compound annual growth rate of 49%, a key factor in this growth market for energy-efficient lighting, rising demand,

29 Oct

LED lighting applications into the interior lighting times

LED lighting applications into the interior lighting times

2013, LED lighting applications into the interior lighting times, the next three years will usher in a great indoor applications of LED lighting era, will be the LED lighting industry golden period of development.

29 Oct

Product quality is the basic guarantee of LED lighting

Product quality is the basic guarantee of LED lighting

As the continuous development in lighting products, today , more and more high-tech products stand out , provide users with a variety of lighting experience .

29 Oct

EU LED product certification standards

EU LED product certification standards

The EU is the key export market of China's LED lighting products. For LED lighting products entering the EU market, it should be the main consideration of its mandatory requirements



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