
21 Dec

Desheng expressway light belt uses LED lights

Desheng expressway light belt uses LED lights

Recently, the Desheng Expressway landscape lighting improvement and renovation project passed completion acceptance and was officially put into operation.

20 Dec

Linping South Station LED lighting

Linping South Station LED lighting

As the gateway to Hangzhou and the landmark building of Linping District, Linping South Station is the first impression of the city.

19 Dec

Xinjiang Tumushuke City builds LED forage factory

Xinjiang Tumushuke City builds LED forage factory

There is a smart pasture factory hidden in the Yonganba Street Industrial Park of Tumushuke City,

18 Dec

The world's first remote sensing atlas of urban nighttime lights released

The world's first remote sensing atlas of urban nighttime lights released

At the opening ceremony of the Third International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development held on September 6,

15 Dec

The first smart street light demonstration road in Shiyan, Hubei Province was officially put into use before the National Day holiday

The first smart street light demonstration road in Shiyan, Hubei Province was officially put into use before the National Day holiday

Recently, if you walk in Liulingou, Shiyan City, Hubei Province, you will find that the light poles on both sides of the road have quietly "transformed."

14 Dec

Opple Lighting reached a cooperation with Luohu District, Shenzhen

Opple Lighting reached a cooperation with Luohu District, Shenzhen

On August 18, Shenzhen Luohu District held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony with Opple Lighting.

13 Dec

Pilot application of deep ultraviolet LED stored grain pest trapping equipment in Xinjiang

Pilot application of deep ultraviolet LED stored grain pest trapping equipment in Xinjiang

Recently, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Grain Reserve Management Company held a business matchmaking meeting,

12 Dec

Micro LED transparent display landed in Taoyuan Aquarium

Micro LED transparent display landed in Taoyuan Aquarium

The innovative application of Micro LED transparent display has made another breakthrough.

11 Dec

Nameplates have been posted on 2,256 street light poles on 23 main roads in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing

Nameplates have been posted on 2,256 street light poles on 23 main roads in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing

Recently, many citizens in Jiulongpo District of Chongqing City found that there was a yellow label on the surface of the light pole when passing by the street light pole,

08 Dec

The installation of the lighting corridor bridge at Alipurang Airport in Tibet was successfully completed

The installation of the lighting corridor bridge at Alipurang Airport in Tibet was successfully completed

South of Mount Kailash, north of the border between China, India and Nepal, on the vast plateau of Ali region in Tibet,



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