
07 Dec

Hangzhou Yuhang District implements lighting project on the key Asian Games support section of Yunxi Elevated Road

Hangzhou Yuhang District implements lighting project on the key Asian Games support section of Yunxi Elevated Road

It is reported that the scope of the lighting project involves Liangxiang Interchange, Pingcang Interchange,

06 Dec

The energy-saving renovation project of lighting facilities in Dongjing Town, Songjiang District, Shanghai has started

The energy-saving renovation project of lighting facilities in Dongjing Town, Songjiang District, Shanghai has started

Recently, the energy-saving renovation project of pipeline road lighting facilities in Dongjing Town, Songjiang District,

05 Dec

Changdu County, Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province carries out maintenance of public road lighting facilities

Changdu County, Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province carries out maintenance of public road lighting facilities

In order to further promote the creation of national health counties, ensure the normal operation of urban street lights and further increase the lighting rate.

04 Dec

Application of smart landscape garden lights in urban greening parks

Application of smart landscape garden lights in urban greening parks

Urban road greening park is an important component of urban and road construction,

01 Dec

Guangzhou Panyu District fully promotes the intelligent and digital construction of urban lighting management

Guangzhou Panyu District fully promotes the intelligent and digital construction of urban lighting management

Since September 2021, Panyu District has implemented the urban lighting intelligent monitoring project.

30 Nov

Chengdu's largest laser projection urban landscape lighting system

Chengdu's largest laser projection urban landscape lighting system

The Chengdu Universiade is about to open, and the atmosphere of the Universiade is getting stronger day by day.

29 Nov

Chiayi County subsidizes the replacement of old lamps and lanterns with LED

Chiayi County subsidizes the replacement of old lamps and lanterns with LED

From now on, Chiayi County can apply for the replacement of old lamps and LED lamps for those who meet the qualifications of the elderly living alone,

28 Nov

LGD plans to develop hybrid OLED for cars

LGD plans to develop hybrid OLED for cars

According to TheElec, LG Display is planning to develop hybrid OLED panels to supply to automotive customers.

24 Nov

The proportion of flexible OLED shipments of Chinese companies surpassed that of South Korea for the first time

The proportion of flexible OLED shipments of Chinese companies surpassed that of South Korea for the first time

Market research firm Stone Partners recently released data showing that in the second quarter of this year,

23 Nov

OLED driver chip manufacturers are accelerating the upgrade to 28nm process

OLED driver chip manufacturers are accelerating the upgrade to 28nm process

According to DigiTimes, the demand for OLED panel driver chips (DDI) has increased significantly in recent years,



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