Philips Improved LED bulb series

Philips Electronics (Thailand) recently announced the launch of integrated marketing activities designed to encourage consumers to use LED (light emitting diode) to conserve energy and reduce electricity bills, but also help protect the environment.

Philips Improved LED bulb series

In response to the increasing demand for LED lighting products in the second half of this year, Philips said the company is introducing a series of new and improved products LED bulbs. These products can be issued a broader light, its design has improved, providing a gentle luminance owners.

The company said these LED bulbs are very environmentally friendly. They do not contain mercury, the service life of 15 years (with an average of 2.5 hours per day), is 2 times compact fluorescent bulb life.

It is estimated that about 20% of total electricity consumption from lighting. Therefore, if all lighting systems are converted into energy-efficient solutions, which will save a lot of energy and resources, carbon dioxide emissions will also be greatly reduced.

Philips claimed to be the leader in the global lighting industry, the company said it will continue to develop LED technology to provide high-quality, energy-efficient lighting and cost efficiency.

Chalermpong said: "If we replace 50 million compact fluorescent lamps with LED bulbs, it will save up to 292 kwh per year of electricity consumption, carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by 149,300 tons or more, save about 1.08 billion baht - and these money available in the development of national and public facilities. "


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