The research of LED lighting effects on plant

The research of LED lighting effects on plant

Studies LED lighting effects on plant growth and development has been carried out for many years, but until more research scholars from the perspective of plant morphology. In recent years, the study has gradually shifted LED lighting for plants Functional accumulated chemicals affect this area. The article on the latest progress in this aspect of the study were reviewed, and pointed out the existing problems and future research ideas and possible directions for the production and scientific research department officers.

In variety of environmental factors, light is one of the most important factor affect plant growth and accumulation of functional chemicals (KopsellandKopsell, 2008; Pérez-Balibreaetal, 2008.). Growth and physiological indices of light plants are subject to significant influence (McNellisandDeng, 1995). Light effects on higher plants mainly in the following two aspects: (1) to provide energy needed for photosynthesis of plants; (2) by receiving the optical signal to adjust the plant's own growth, differentiation and metabolism of (Wangetal, 2001.). Different light quality and light intensity on the plant is not the same. In 1990, a light emitting diode (light-emittingdio-de, LED) 1st is for plant research (Bulaetal., 1991), and proved to be a more effective alternative than conventional light sources (Morrow, 2008). Because of its low power consumption, narrow spectrum and low heat, etc. (Massaetal, 2008;). Morrow, 2008; Wa-tanabe, 2011; Goto, 2012), after 2000, LED as a more efficient light source is introduced quickly plant factory. LED spectrum by adjusting the distribution method to control plant flowering and leaf morphogenesis is not only simple, but also promote plant functional chemical concentrations increased (Goto, 2012).

Historically, research LED on plants initially start from the plant morphology, researchers in the country in this regard have also done a lot of valuable work. In recent years, domestic and foreign researchers began to study the target Steering LED on chemical plants accumulate functional substance, and in many areas has made great progress. Research in this field for irradiation of artificial light to produce a controllable output of a variety of functional and medicinal plants have a very important significance. In this paper, the latest research results were reviewed related to production for researchers and research departments of reference, but also look forward to China's research in this area can achieve more and better results.


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