The key factor for grow light and LED lighting product requirements

LED lighting products in the lighting for plant cultivation, not only to consider the basic photometric, radiometric performance, the need based on photosynthesis characteristics of plants, taking into consideration the plant by face to face photon density and luminosity of the light quantum systems of plants and plant photometric system parameters, so that a comprehensive evaluation of the performance of the plant lighting.

The key factor for grow light and LED lighting product requirements

First, the light quality. Plants generally rely on leaf chlorophyll absorb light irradiation, the absorption bands in the blue and red region in general, as shown in FIG. In plants absorbs light energy through photosynthesis to convert to organic for growth and reproduction. Thus, the lighting plant, it should first consider the absorption bands of irradiance, is generally 400nm ~ 500nm 600nm ~ 700nm irradiance blue and red bands, and the need to determine the spectral composition selected combination of plant illumination, range, peak wavelength and color temperature.

Secondly, the light density. Plant accept different optical density, it will directly affect the growth and structure of plants. Such as when the optical density decrease, there will be the same crop reduction, flower bud differentiation delayed adverse ovary development and so on. Because, plants and human eye spectral response characteristics are different, the amount of the human eye to light perception generally achieve luminosity measurement system, and the photosynthesis of plants is generally realized in quantum measurement and evaluation systems and plant photometric system, the evaluation parameters photon flux density (PPFD). Cree through a large number of studies have shown that between 400-700nm, light photosynthetic photon flux density evaluation made effective radiant energy in line with the actual biological effects of light better results.

Again, light uniformity. Since the LED grow light has a strong directivity, and there may be a spatial light color uniformity, therefore, in the case of large-scale cultivation should examine plant irradiated surface irradiance uniformity to obtain high-quality uniform lighting environment.

Finally, the long day. Spectrum of different plants demand different needs of different growth stages of the spectrum is different, agricultural facilities in artificial light must follow a light physiological characteristics of plants, fill light to achieve the best results. Therefore, not only the need for accurate measurement of the spectral composition of the LED grow light source, but also can know the change of illuminance.


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