The intelligent upgrade and renovation project of highway tunnel lighting in Fujian Province is completed

Recently, the province's highway tunnel lighting intelligent improvement and transformation project undertaken by Fujian Expressway Information Technology Company completed the set goals and tasks for 2023 ahead of schedule and achieved a successful conclusion.

The intelligent upgrade and renovation project of highway tunnel lighting in Fujian Province is completed

The project has a total length of 1,711.77 kilometers, involving a total of 1,316 single-hole tunnels and 610,000 LED lights in the province. The construction content includes the renovation of sodium lamps in highway tunnels across the province, the replacement of original LED lights, the renovation of smart dimming systems, and the long-term , Renovation of seriously damaged power supply and distribution lines. Faced with practical difficulties such as heavy project construction tasks, high tunnel layout and control safety pressure, and adjustments to key tunnel implementation plans, Fujian Expressway Information Technology Company has developed ideas, clear measures, strong work styles, and improved efficiency. As of the end of November, a total of 868 single tunnels have been completed A total of more than 380,000 LED lamps were installed in the tunnel, exceeding the annual target and laying a solid foundation for the full completion of the project in 2024.


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