Smart street lamp charging piles appear in the old city of Luoyang, Henan

Can street light poles charge vehicles? Recently, the Teacher Xincun Community in Nanguan Street, an old urban area in Luoyang City, Henan Province, has such a "new equipment" - a smart street light charging pile.

Smart street lamp charging piles appear in the old city of Luoyang, Henan

Looking at the appearance alone, these smart street lamp charging piles seem to be no different from the street lamps in the streets and alleys. The lamp poles are all gray and use LED light sources. However, at the bottom of the light pole, there is a small display screen and card swiping area, as well as a special charging interface for new energy vehicles.

"Our light poles can not only illuminate, but also charge new energy vehicles." Tian Lei, the security director of the renovation project of the old community in the community, introduced that the smart street light charging pile is based on a light pole, which is a new energy source for the original street light lines. Optimization and improvement, access to rain-proof and lightning-proof embedded charging piles, not only saves land and space resources, but also reduces the cost of line construction for installing charging piles, and realizes "one pole with two uses".

"I want to buy a tram instead, but there is no charging place in the community, and charging with flying wires is not safe, so the idea of buying a car has been shelved." Ms. Yuan, a resident of the community, said that seeing the addition of smart street lamp charging piles in the community, She hurriedly shared the good news with her family, and her plan to buy a car was also put on the agenda, "From now on, I can charge it at the door of my house every day, so convenient!"

Mr. Zhang is an old resident in the community, more than 70 years old this year. "Before when the kids came to visit me, they had to park the car far away to find a charging place, and they had to walk back with big bags." Mr. Zhang looked at the light poles and smiled happily. "Charging will be convenient in the future. The children can also come back to accompany me more.”

Since last year, the teacher's new village community has been included in the old community renovation project, and roads have been widened and hardened, fitness facilities optimized, and elevators installed. With the increasing number of new energy vehicles in the community, charging has become a "just need", and the relevant departments have further optimized the design plan, and installed smart street lamp charging piles for the first time in the city to make the old community smarter and more livable.

At present, the smart street lamp charging pile in the community has been successfully constructed, and the operation team is being actively introduced, and it will be put into use soon.


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