The first white paper on educational lighting in China has entered the stage of expert review

Lighting provides a light environment for the human eye, which is closely related to the light environment faced by the human eye. Educational lighting is even more linked to the light environment for children and adolescents to study and live. In recent years, the educational lighting industry has achieved rapid development.

The first white paper on educational lighting in China has entered the stage of expert review

A few days ago, the "2022 China Educational Lighting Industry White Paper", led by the Shenzhen Lighting and Display Engineering Industry Association and jointly compiled by well-known enterprises in the industry, attracted 29 companies including Fozhao, NVC, Lidaxin, Sanxiong, Haolin, Dianpai, Li Erda, Ziguang, Mulinsen, Zirui, Dishitai, Qinshida, Seekang, Power of Light, Huashengguang, Yuming, Lanjing, Lepin, Emperor Wolf, Sinovel, Ketong, Zhengyuan, Jinghong, Fukai, Jufei, Wosheng, Rishang, Yimei, and Taobang participated in the compilation.

Participating units cover light source, power supply, optics, intelligent Internet of Things, professional education lighting and reading and writing desk lamp enterprises, making the white paper more professional, authoritative, comprehensive and interesting. At present, participating units have completed group review and entered the expert review process. At the draft stage, it will be officially released at the Educational Lighting Development Forum on February 15, 2023.


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