How to avoid static electricity damage to LED lamps

  Electrostatic charge accumulation is actually constituted by a . People in their daily life, especially in dry weather conditions , when a hand to touch the doors and windows categories of articles will feel " shock" , which is the accumulation of static objects like doors and windows to a certain extent on the human body " discharge ." For the wool fabric , nylon fiber materials , electrostatic voltage can be accumulated up to more than ten thousand volts , the voltage is very high, but power is not static , not life-threatening , but for some electronic devices , but can be fatal , causing device failure .

How to avoid static electricity damage to LED lamps

  LED lighting devices using GN group constituted , as is the wide band gap semiconductor material, and its high resistivity , the InGaN / AlGaN / GaN blue light of the double heterojunction LED, the InGaN active layer generally has a thickness of only tens of nanometers , and then the LED due to this two positive and negative electrodes of the chip the same plane , the distance between the small, if both ends of the electrostatic charge accumulated to a certain value, the voltage of the electrostatic breakdown PN will make its leakage increases, severe short PN junction breakdown , LED failure .

  Because electrostatic threat , for the structure of the LED lighting chips and devices in the process of land for plant , machinery, tools, instruments, including staff clothing are anti-static measures should be taken to ensure that no damage to LED lamps. In addition, the chips and devices should be used on the packaging of anti- static materials.


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