The huge advantage with LED lighting

  The huge advantage with LED lighting is the very low power draw and almost total absence of heat. LED lights draw about 1/6 the power of an equivalent halogen bulb. This means your batteries will last much longer. If you are like most campers, this huge power saving will extend your 'free camping' time.

 The huge advantage with LED lighting

  The light emmited from LEDs has also become more natural in appearance, previously they had a blue tinge but nowdays you can often choose between pure white or warm white colours.

  The disadvantage of LED lighting is the higher initial cost but this is offset by their amazing lifespan (up to 50 000 hours). Their light output is generally more focused so they are excellent as reading spotlights. For the main cabin lights, flurescent is probably still king. With the increasing development of LED lights we've noticed more LED cabin light options (like the 84LED slimlight & 96LED cabinlight) which are starting to rival fluorescent options.


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