The in-depth analysis of the European LED lighting market status

Currently, lighting accounts for daily household consumption in Europe (not including heating and water heaters) of 12%. European governments hope the popularity of LED lighting, to achieve lighting in 2050 in the proportion of household consumption reduced to 6% target.

The in-depth analysis of the European LED lighting market status

In 2000, the high-power LED and white light LED products appear to enter the outdoor lighting market. In 2009, incandescent gradually withdraw from the European market, energy-efficient lighting products began to enter the European consumers to buy inventory, LED lighting products poured into the market. September 2012, the EU energy policy framework of the incandescent into the market, allowing only energy-efficient light bulbs into the market, including: A, B, and class C halogen lamps, LED1 lights and A Class compact fluorescent lamps (or low-energy light) wherein the halogen lamp from 2016 began to gradually withdraw from the market.

Although the LED lamp lighting market share in Europe is still not high, but the estimated European Lighting Association, LED lighting market will continue to grow until 2020 to stabilize, then, LED lighting is expected to occupy most of the market share. LED lighting development mainly due to several favorable factors: Firstly, the European lighting policy change, for example, delisting incandescent, halogen replacement. Second, by the economic situation and the environmental situation in European countries gradually increase the energy efficiency requirements, for example, by 2020 all new buildings must be a new low-energy buildings. Third, due to significantly lower costs, especially to reduce the cost of LED chip packages, as well as mass production of Chinese LED lighting products to bring prices down.

According to forecasts of the European Association of lighting, LED display backlight production and sales for tablet computers, smart phones and television began to gradually reduce prices stabilize and gradually replace the LED display is OLED screen; for automotive production LED sales will be gradually increased; 2016, will be the main LED home lighting market. Specific figures are as follows:

2016, LED lighting will account for 40% of the market in 2020 accounted for 60% of the different market segments situation there are differences: the general lighting market: 2011 9% 2016 45% 2020 70% ; automotive lighting market: in 2011 13% 2016 20% more than in 2020, 36%; backlight market: in 2011 57% 2016 96% 2020 100%.

From the industry point of view, in 2020 LED market will reach 64 billion euros (9 billion euros in 2011, 2016, 37 billion euros), of which 57 billion euros general lighting market, automotive lighting market 6 billion euros, 1 billion euros backlighting market


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