Miami LED lighting system to create the top stage show

  Miami mansion nightclub (Mansion Nightclub) in Basel Art Fair (Art Basel) during the use of LED lighting to create a fantastic party has both hot stage. Due to the party's logo for "VH1 + Scope", so the shine on stage LED "+" number of eye-catching logo, heighten the party hot warm atmosphere.

Miami LED lighting system to create the top stage show

  Nightclubs used LED light board through professional team designed and implemented 3D spatial effects evening, with light and shadow to create a fantasy of stage space. In the normal state, the brightness of the LED board only to 10% to 30%, the designer said in late at night after the party reached its climax, all the lights will be open to 100% brightness, allowing the party atmosphere to the vertex boiling. In addition, the flexibility of the entire LED system is also to achieve the effect of changing the stage provides a great convenience.


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