LED lighting, green building standards implemented in 2015

  From January 1, 2015, the new "green building evaluation criteria" will be officially implemented. The industry believes that the new standard will further standardize the market rules of green building industry, competition order, and bring the whole industry chain to achieve the design and technical innovation, green housing industry is also expected to set off a new round of market reshuffle.

LED lighting, green building standards implemented in 2015

  Meanwhile, green building means the whole building life cycle to maximize resource conservation, environmental protection and reduce pollution. With environmental protection, energy saving, low carbon agenda continued warming, coupled with sustained under present global energy shortage, green lighting has become one of the hottest topics moment. Due to excessive energy consumption of incandescent, energy saving lamp produces mercury pollution, and as the fourth generation of one of the new energy LED lighting set for its energy saving, environmental protection, smart, low-carbon-in-one and by the government and the real estate business in favor. Therefore, to build green buildings, green homes, smart city can not miss the green building natural lighting.

  Architectural lighting is an integral part of green building design, architectural lighting design to comply with green building three concepts: saving energy, conservation of resources, return to nature, architectural lighting, architectural lighting, green party in the true sense. LED energy directly into electricity into light, just one-third of the energy consumption of incandescent lamps, they achieve the same efficiency, but also the use of smart sensors and microcontrollers, significantly increasing maintenance efficiency and reduce administrative costs, generate additional real energy efficiency and economic benefits. Meanwhile, the standard LED lighting life is 2 to 3 times of energy-saving lamps, and did not bring mercury pollution. LED lighting deserved to be part of the green building lighting.

  It is reported that in 2014 China's building energy efficiency investment will exceed 40 billion in 2015, the national new green construction area will reach more than one billion square meters in 2020, China's urban green building new buildings accounted for the proportion will rise to 50%.


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