Lightning protection LED lighting technology standards

  August 15, the State Lighting R & D and Industry Alliance (CSA) published CSA 027-2014 "LED outdoor lighting lightning technical requirements" and CSA 030-2014 "LED illumination component architecture category" two Union standards. 2 standard on July 24 to complete a full member of CSA standardization committee voted and passed, the standard drafting team the lead unit in accordance with the amendments to the vote collected a full member of the draft committee vote to modify the formation of the final standard release.

Lightning protection LED lighting technology standards

  Developed CSA027-2014 "LED outdoor lighting lightning technical requirements" key specification surge protector selection, lighting and surge protectors, pole installation requirements, designed to ensure the normal use of LED outdoor lighting products, and low failure rate . In addition, Sony source also lead CSA 028-201X "remote phosphor components" 2 alliance with CSA 033-201X "Indoor LED lighting systems require surge protection technology" standards work, reflecting the light source is positioned at Sony technology accumulation, determination leading technology companies. Sony source said that through the alliance standards work, realizing that there are still some gaps in standardization capabilities will help enterprises continue to grow. The future will continue to increase the participation of Union standards for the industry to contribute to standardization.

  The CSA 030-2014 release is December 2013 CSA 016 Union standards into technical specifications after Guangdong standard optical components, CSA and the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Department at the standard conversion, another outcome of the mutual recognition of the work achieved. CSA will continue to work with the future in Guangdong Province standardization organizations, research institutions and enterprises to carry out relevant cooperation and explore new mechanisms CSA and industrial advantages of regional cooperation in standardization.


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