The successful development does not contain rare earth LED phosphors

Us researchers claims to have successfully developed cheaper, more durable service life of white LED.They will be held in the near future of the 250th session of the American chemical society (ACS) national conference and exposition on the invention.

The successful development does not contain rare earth LED phosphors

From rutgers university and participate in the study of the team members Zhichao Hu said: "if there are more people in the United States in the home or business use of LED, so the country's power consumption can be reduced by half."At that time, he is a graduate student.Now, he is at rutgers university postdoctoral, main research fields of rare earth elements.

The current LED technology is usually a single semiconductor chip is used to produce blue light, and then rely on yellow light emitting fluorescent powder coating to convert color to white.This kind of phosphor by doping the cerium yttrium aluminum garnet (made from rare earth elements)。The rare earth elements is very expensive, and supply is limited, they mainly comes from outside the United States of mining operations.

The research team are developing hybrid phosphorus based technology, its claim that the technology can make the life of the LED, higher efficiency and lower cost.They combined with ordinary metals that are rich in soil and organic light-emitting molecular controllable LED white light phosphors.By changing the metal and organic ingredients, researchers can adjust the phosphors systematically to the human eye can accept most area of the color of the visible light spectrum.They continue to experiment research based on different metals and other organic compounds containing no rare earth LED phosphors.

Many material combination, so they first calculating the likelihood of various sorting, predict various metals and organic matter what color of light, and then to carry on the test, find the best combination.

This approach allows them to cover the entire visible range of including yellow and white band gap and optical emission system fine-tuning.As a result, their research and development of LED lights to fine-tune a warm white light, similar to the cheap inefficient incandescent lamp.It has important significance in general illumination applications.


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