Auckland upgrade LED lights

Oakland Department of Transportation began the first LED luminaire replacement program in New Zealand. The relevant authorities will replace up to 44,000 high-pressure sodium lamp (golden shade), and put on relatively energy-efficient LED lamps. Auckland Department of Transportation manages over 100,000 street lights, representing about one third of lighting. Auckland Transport Secretary Liszt? Livy (Lester Levy) Dr. said the first phase of the plan last five years. "That is about half the street from Auckland to replace golden yellow to white."

Auckland upgrade LED lights

Last year, Oakland Department of Transportation Commission adopted the plan, leaving the other half of LED lights to replace the work will take about 4-5 years. Dr. Li Wei said: "In 20 years of the life of LED lamps run, this program is expected to net the province 32 million New Zealand dollars (equivalent to about 131 million yuan)。"

Minister of Transport and Minister for Energy and Resources, Simon? Bridges (Simon Bridges) in March announced a policy change, this policy change would allow local authorities to speed up the replacement of LED lights made grant funds.

Auckland Department of Transportation has been planning since 2012 on all new lighting needs of all sections of pedestrians with LED lamps. The exchange of old lamps LED lamps will be reduced by more than 60% of energy consumption. Auckland Department of Transportation currently use about 2,000 energy-efficient LED lamps. The first wave of the replacement project will replace 1000 lights immediately and Meng Luo Albert Chomsky (Mount Roskill)。 Replacement lamps in the same time, communication management system (Tele-management System, TMS) monitor LED lights will be installed to monitor the network. By close observation by the lighting level, but also save another 15-20% of energy consumption. The communication management system will provide back strengthening customer service, so all errors on the system can be given in the same day.

Auckland Department of Transportation has installed LED lights in the vicinity of the Eden Park, and also monitored by a communications management system. This measure contains a previous plan, and before and after the festival to increase the illumination level are working well.

All of the above advantages are so LED lamps ideal light source, and according to the latest research shows that starting this year, LED lighting market share accounted for more than half of the world lighting market. Basic measures to replace the LED lamps will become the policy of the future trend of global government can not be ignored.


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