Montreal, Canada, 132,000 street lamps or will be transformed into LED street lights

With the rapid development of LED lighting, more and more cities will be replaced by LED lighting products. It is reported that the Montreal Municipal Government in Canada will be 132000 lights of the light source to replace the LED product to make a decision.

Montreal, Canada, 132,000 street lamps or will be transformed into LED street lights

Montreal has plans to replace incandescent bulbs into cheaper, more energy-efficient LED lighting products (4000K). However, taking into account the high color temperature may bring health problems, the city residents objected to this. Many people like Toronto and Chicago 3000K light source products.

Montreal Mayor said that although the municipal government has not yet made a decision, but now give up the call of 4000K is very high.

It is reported that once the use of which color temperature to determine the main products, the city of Montreal may carry out large-scale project tender. Interested companies can focus on the government-related sites in Montreal.


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