70% New York street lights have been changed to LED street lights

With the daytime day by day shorter, one day longer than the day, the New Yorkers will begin to see the city's new scene.

70% New York street lights have been changed to LED street lights

According to the New York City Department of Transportation data, the city's 250,000 street lamps, nearly 72% of the orange light has been known from the previous sodium vapor lamp replaced by a more bright white LED bulbs.

New York's goal is to upgrade the remaining 28% of the lights by the end of 2018, but not those on national highways.

LED lamp life longer than the old lamp, but only consume half of the energy, can save millions of dollars. Experts say upgrades can increase the sense of security that can inspire New York locals and tourists to go more streets at night.

"In the United States, some cities are working after 5 pm," said Harold Takooshian, a professor of psychology and urban studies at Fordham University. "New York City is not the case, it should not be. In addition, he also studied how the street lights affected the community.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg approved a plan to upgrade streetlights in 2013. The first stage is starting in 2015 from Brooklyn, followed by the Queensland in 2016. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Communications, there are currently nearly 154,000 LED street lights installed in these two districts. In the Bronx, Stanton Island and Manhattan have installed about 25,000 LED street lights.

According to the New York City Police Department, the overall crime rate has fallen by 8% over the past two years. Takooshian says it is difficult to establish a direct correlation between reduced crime rates and lighting improvements, but "lighting improvements make people safer."

Takooshian said New York has been looking for ways to better illuminate the streets in an economical and efficient way.

When the LED street lights were installed for the first time in 2015, some Brooklyn residents complained that the LED street lights were too bright and disturbed their sleep. Mayor Bill Blasio and the Ministry of Communications responded to these complaints and took swift action.

"The Ministry of Communications has surveyed the lighting of these communities and met with LED fixture manufacturers, who have been transferred to a lower wattage (from 78 watts to 72 watts) and for others to change," said a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Communications. Light - emitting lamps.

These adjustments seem to work. The elected officials and community leaders said they had not received any major complaints about the lights for more than a year.

"For many people, it's normal," said Jeremy Laufer, regional manager of the Brooklyn Community Council.

Los Angeles, Hawaii Oahu and Phoenix are planning similar upgrades, while environmental activists say they will be looking for inspiration from New York.

"New York City street lights may be more than any other city in the United States," says Eric Goldstein, environmental director of the New York City Natural Resources Conservation Council. "If it works in New York, the other areas are likely to follow suit."


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