Market Size Analysis of China's Intelligent Lighting Control System Industry in 2022

Market demand potential analysis of intelligent lighting control system industry Intelligent lighting is the intelligence of lighting, which refers to the distributed lighting system composed of computer, wireless communication data transmission, spread spectrum power carrier communication technology, computer intelligent information processing and energy-saving electrical control. Wireless telemetry, remote control, remote communication control system to realize the intelligent control of lighting equipment.

Market Size Analysis of China's Intelligent Lighting Control System Industry in 2022

The main purpose of realizing intelligent lighting control

The market size of my country's smart lighting industry continues to grow. In 2015, the market size of my country's smart lighting industry reached 10 billion yuan. In 2020, the market size of my country's smart lighting industry increased to 29.1 billion yuan. In 2021, the market size of China's smart lighting industry was about 36.7 billion yuan. .

Market Size and Growth of China's Smart Lighting Industry, 2015-2021

The intelligent lighting control system uses advanced electromagnetic voltage regulation and electronic induction technology to monitor and track the power supply in real time, automatically and smoothly adjust the voltage and current range of the circuit, and improve the extra power consumption caused by the unbalanced load in the lighting circuit. Power factor, reduce the working temperature of lamps and lines, and achieve the lighting control system for the purpose of optimizing power supply.

The intelligent lighting control system mainly uses the Internet and Internet of Things technology, and through the system control software, the lighting products can present different colors according to the design scheme and form the overall landscape visual effect. Street light management, video surveillance, data processing and other functions.

Intelligent lighting control system has many characteristics

In 2020, the scale of the control system in my country's intelligent lighting industry is 13.71 billion yuan, accounting for 47.1% of the total scale of the intelligent lighting industry; the scale of lamps and other accessories is 15.39 billion yuan, accounting for 52.9%. In 2021, the scale of control systems in my country's intelligent lighting industry will be about 17.69 billion yuan, accounting for about 48.20% of the total scale of the intelligent lighting industry; the scale of lamps and other accessories will be 19.01 billion yuan, accounting for about 51.8%.

Industry Scale of Intelligent Lighting Control System in China, 2014-2021

Since my country began to promote the construction of smart cities, under the vigorous promotion of policies, my country's smart city construction can be said to be steadily advancing, especially in the current various commercial buildings and home life are almost all moving towards intelligence. As the crystallization of intelligent development in the field of lighting in the Internet era, intelligent lighting has broad prospects for future development.


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