LED lights standard or adjusted from the recommended mandatory

LED lights standard or adjusted from the recommended mandatory

  Blue LED is not so terrible

  At present, China has become the world's largest producer of LED lamps. However, the recent news that medical experts fear blue LED will damage the retina and even cause blindness. The news on the Internet caused widespread concerns and a lot of forward comments.

  Are the blue LED lights really so harmful? Is the "blue spill" really the "potential killers" of your eyes? January 6, the Shanghai Bureau of Quality Supervision Organization specialized testing organization on the part of LED lighting products for the risk monitoring, they collected 27 samples  through various channels and do the blue hazard testing. At the same time, they invited the medical profession, universities and industry experts together "consultation", listen to opinions from all sides.

  China's relevant standards are not falling behind

  Someone says, as the lack of appropriate standards, some problems are caused by blue LED. About this, the Shanghai Quality Supervision, Inspection Zhanfuzhanchang lighting products, lighting, Shanghai Society for YuAnQi introduced the 27 samples testing basis - National Standard GB / T 20145-2006 "lamps and lamp systems biological security. " According to reports, although the standard released in 2006, but with the current version of the existing international standards are equivalent. That is to say, in the development of standards, we are synchronized with the Western countries, not fall behind.

  The current problem is that the standards are voluntary standards, rather than mandatory standards, the standard execution compromised. Therefore, the parties 'consultation' consensus: We should enhance the standard is mandatory nature and make it parts of lighting CCC certification standards.

  "Demonized" Blue LED unscientific

  Is the Blue LED so terrible? The experts pointed out that the blue light has always existed in nature, but also an important component of sunlight, in a variety of white light sources are bound to exist. This means that the environment we live in can not be "off the blue light, the blue "demonized" is obviously unscientific.

  As for the blue light hazard, physicians told that "Through the years the test mice, Blue Lights are harmful to the visual cells." But YuAnQi have a different view, he pointed out that in the intensive exposure spoke of "the rich blue of the" Environment and normalized environment are two different concepts. But he also stressed that, precisely because noticed the white LED lighting products rich blue spectral characteristics, have a light biohazard international standards, in order to prompt product should reach safety.

  The Professor of Optoelectronic Information Engineering in Zhejiang University reminded, the current standard limits are based on radiation exposure for adults and eight hours of the experimental data presented, the light on the human body has not yet considered the cumulative long-term effects and certain special populations such as infants and young children may be staring directly into the light source, resulting in damage to the retina. Zhang shanduan, deputy director of Lighting Research Institute of Fudan University, the future standard should be set in stick situation.

  The experts suggest that although standard class 0 (non-hazardous) and Class 1 (low-risk) products are safe to use, but for special populations should explicitly use Class 0 products.

  Optional LED color temperature parameters should be concerned

  In this "consultation", the "color temperature parameter" this specialized vocabulary also attracted everyone's attention. It is reported that natural light with high color temperature at noon, morning and evening temperature is low. Due to the high color temperature of lighting products in the higher blue component, the use of such products in the workplace is conducive to boost the spirit. However, if used at night, it may affect sleep, causing clock disorder, thereby reducing the person's immune system. Therefore, YuAnQi stressed that attention LED blue light on the retina at the same time has the potential to harm, but also concerned about "the rich blue" of LED lighting products, namely high color temperature lighting products on human Secretary Chen rhythm. Shanghai Illuminating Engineering Society, honorary chairman Zhang Cong Hai suggested the indoor LED lighting products color temperature 4000K should not exceed, and 5000K color temperature should be avoided.

  The current standard is currently active concern for blue, when the blue light is focused on the brightness of standard Class 2 (medium hazard) or type 3 (high risk), the shorter the time or moment caused by the human eye damage . The "rich blue" of the lighting effects on human physiology are still topics at the forefront, pending further study circles linkage. "Consultation" The results suggested that further improve the relevant national standards or technical specifications shall be specified in different places of the LED lighting products for color temperature.

  The Risk of starting LED blue testing

  Before this "consultation", the Shanghai Quality Supervision and Inspection Station lighting collected 27 LED samples through different sources, type covering lamps, spotlights, down lights, panel lights and bulbs. According IECEE CTL (International Electrotechnical Commission - Laboratory Committee) resolution DSH 0744 Blue LED hazards determination, the result is: In normal use condition, 14 are non-hazardous Class 0, 13 in a lower risk of a class are belonging to a safe range. However, if the use of non-normal state, that is, the light diffusion front cover removed, there are a dangerous reached in two classes.

  Although the results from the detection seems to be no problem. But because blue is a hazard related to human health and safety, the Shanghai Illuminating Engineering Society, honorary chairman Zhang Cong Hai stressed, it can not be more important than saving human health is also important.

  Chinese authorities to carry out blue LED lighting products for indoor use special hazard risk monitoring, so that LED lighting products towards a healthy direction. Shanghai Product Quality Safety Assessment Research Centre has launched a monitoring project risks.


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