Price factors restricting the development of LED lighting

  LED lighting energy is well known, but now mostly used in outdoor lighting and public areas , indoor lighting , especially in home lighting , second-tier cities has not been popular, market performance three, four imagined. So this market is currently only can say is " potential" , how can LED lighting into the homes of ordinary people is numerous businesses headache. With the rapid development of three, four market economy, improving people's living standards , people are also improving lighting quality requirements . But relatively speaking, three , four market consumption less than if the high price of LED lighting products , even if it is difficult to promote energy conservation .

 Price factors restricting the development of LED lighting

  Ours is a large agricultural country, rural families are now commonly used incandescent and energy-saving lamps , with annual sales of one billion incandescent light bulbs on the market in three or four markets. With the rapid development of the rural economy and improve people's living standards , farmers also improved lighting quality requirements , especially since OFweek semiconductor lighting network of national policy to promote the introduction of energy-efficient lighting implementation , further stimulated the huge rural market demand. Here, the " rural market " is not a geographical sense , but represent a spending power and hierarchy .

  The biggest problem is reported that currently restrict the promotion of LED lighting is the price of LED lights , in the face several times with respect to energy-saving lamps , incandescent into several times the price , consumers are often the next best thing , although the price of LED lights declining , but still acceptable to consumers from far away .


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