2014 opened the era of LED lighting

  According to JP Morgan 's latest forecast , in 2014 semiconductor lighting source will occupy 50 percent of the global market share , in 2016 semiconductor lighting will occupy 50% market share. LED interior lighting for the domestic market of rapid development. The survey results also show that most people in the industry believe that in 2020 the share of LED indoor lighting products , or up to 50 %. For this reason , some experts predict that the next 10 years LED lighting market will gradually mature, the most critical is the traditional lighting of 10 years to the success of LED lighting transformation .

2014 opened the era of LED lighting

  LED lighting as a new generation lighting tool , the advantages are very obvious , although the price is higher than ordinary light bulbs products , but because it has a long life characteristics, from long-term use and see , but rather the application costs at a low level , at least not frequent replacement bulb. In addition , LED lighting products in the technical sophistication of the more easily integrated into modern smart home among the advantages of the application of its control , the use of intelligent LED lighting bulbs lighting is nothing difficult .

  All in all , LED lighting in the future with the social construction of energy-saving wisdom of great significance . As a rising star lighting sector, although there are still some problems , but the application does not affect the subsequent development of the market prospects are very bright.


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