2013 LED Tube fierce market competition

  According to statistics , in 2012 , China's total sales exceeded LED fluorescent tube 100 million , an increase of 188% compared to 2011 significantly improved growth . Such rapid growth in the industry who did not expect . In 2013 , this trend of rapid growth momentum to continue. According to projections , 2013 - 2017 China LED Tube market value CAGR of around 35% in 2017 to more than 40 billion yuan output value . 2013-2017 China LED Tube sales CAGR of around 58% in 2017 sales will be close to 1 billion .

 2013 LED Tube fierce market competition

  Industry veteran , said the next few years , LED product prices, costs continued to decline making more and more businesses began to slowly come to accept LED lighting products. With the launch of LED commercial lighting market gradually fiery and civilian home market, the market demand for LED fluorescent tube will be further released.

  Advantage ENELTEC LED T5/T8 fluorescent tube is stable quality and high cost , we use ENELTEC 2835 LED chip , a unique product design , light uniformity, no flicker, terminal market response is very good .

  It is reported that , beginning in April 2013 , ENELTEC LED lighting is sweeping the country, the rapid expansion of the national channels. Up to now , ENELTECLED lighting made 20 provincial operations center , 1,000 dealers good results . This is also ENELTECLED fluorescent tube products to quickly push the terminal market conditions precedent can not be ignored .

  It seems that in the enterprise , LED fluorescent tube prices have been gradually accepted by the market for the terminal , "How to win a share in the huge market LED fluorescent tube " is realistic subject stage lighting companies have to face . In the soon to be over in 2013 , both LED " rookie " or traditional photo prices, already has completed the nationwide distribution channels , product development , in order to respond to market turmoil in 2014 .


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