low Market acceptance for LED intelligent lighting

  With the gradual turn on LED indoor lighting market , market acceptance of intelligent LED lighting and how? Although "smart " was mentioned often in everyday life , but not yet for the market and the LED is completely acceptable , smart lighting does not reflect widespread in people's lives , bring intelligent lighting , more people will associate it with high-end and expensive. On the other hand , due to the traditional lighting control did not hinder people's daily lives, it also means that ordinary people are reluctant to buy expensive intelligent lighting , intelligent lighting become dispensable in people's lives, the public intelligent lighting products for acceptance is not high.

 low Market acceptance for LED intelligent lighting

  Here , from the semiconductor lighting standards working group to focus on LED companies are looking intelligent LED lighting field , that car , market acceptance of intelligent lighting products to improve long overdue , in the case of rapid warming of the market , companies must be calm down and think , how make the intelligent lighting products accepted by the market .

  Intelligent LED lighting products market acceptance is not high mainly due to the following points : 1 , LED intelligent lighting popularity is not high , and higher prices , consumers still are not familiar with LED lighting stage , lower purchase intention . 2 , there is no uniform domestic intelligent lighting industry standards, product quality varies greatly, a wide variety of consumer products on the market sell advertising at a loss. How intelligent lighting products make people's lives more healthy and convenient , more humane, how to better promote, industry and business needs require careful pondering.


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