Shaanxi Xianyang LED lighting transformation accelerates

In order to ensure the smooth completion of the 2023 lighting improvement plan project (people's livelihood project) and allow the masses to have a safe and peaceful New Year. Recently, Zhang Xiaobing, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Municipal Management Office of Xingping City, Xianyang, Shaanxi Province, led a team to the construction sites of Xingdian Road (including Lindai Road) and Xingli Road to inspect and guide the work related to the improvement and transformation of the street lighting system. He encouraged everyone to work harder and do their best. sprint.

Shaanxi Xianyang LED lighting transformation accelerates

The employees overcame unfavorable factors such as low temperature and worked hard on the front line to seize the fine weather for line renewal and wiring. So far, they have completed the upgrade and renovation of lighting facilities on Mangyuan Road and Lindai Road, and removed and restored sidewalk floor tiles, concrete cushions, and concrete intersections. A total of 1,500 square meters, 3,000 meters of Dn63PE cable protection pipes are buried, and 3,380 meters of YJV22-4*35 copper core cables are laid. The remaining Xingdian Road lighting facilities are being upgraded and renovated under intensive construction.


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