The output of Zhongnong LED Super Plant Factory in Wenjiang District, Chengdu increased by 40 times

The assembly line produces various plants, including vegetables, strawberries, Chinese herbal medicines... On January 14, reporters saw the Zhongnong Super Plant Factory project in Yongning Street, Wenjiang District, Chengdu, which has achieved initial results, and it will realize people's awareness of Agriculture 4.0 version of the imagination, becoming the first large-scale plant factory production park in Southwest China.

The output of Zhongnong LED Super Plant Factory in Wenjiang District, Chengdu increased by 40 times

Walking into the vegetable planting warehouse, I saw two rows of shelves arranged like a supermarket. Each row of shelves is divided into 4 layers from top to bottom. The roots of the plants are suspended in the water. By adding an appropriate amount of nutrient solution to the water, the plants are provided. Provide needed nutrients. According to reports, in the planting warehouse, LED light sources are used instead of natural lighting, and the spectrum and light intensity are adjusted according to the needs of the plants to improve photosynthetic efficiency. Coupled with the automatic adjustment of hydroponic nutrient solution, temperature, and humidity, the plant growth period is greatly shortened. Take lettuce as an example. The lettuce here can produce 12 batches a year.

According to staff, the plant factory has achieved intelligence, informatization, and factoryization in terms of technological innovation, production and operation, etc. It can make full use of land area and increase production capacity in time and space. The yield per unit area can be more than 40 times that of open-air planting.


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