Street lighting in Yuhua District, Changsha has been upgraded to improve villagers’ travel

Guandao Xincun, Tiaoma Town, Yuhua District, Changsha City, covers an area of 21.46 square kilometers, governs 54 villager groups, and has a population of 7,724. It is the largest and most populous village in Tiaoma Town. In recent years, Guandao New Village has continuously strengthened infrastructure construction, focused on the safety of road traffic at night, added rural road lighting facilities, and actively promoted rural road lighting projects. Street lights have been widely installed on rural roads in the jurisdiction. However, as their service life increases, some street lighting facilities in Guandao New Village cannot function properly, resulting in some road sections being "blind" at night. In addition, some of the main roads in Guandao New Village are winding and narrow, and the lack of lighting will cause safety hazards for villagers traveling at night.

Street lighting in Yuhua District, Changsha has been upgraded to improve villagers’ travel

"Secretary Chen, the street lights near our home have not been on recently. It is inconvenient to go out at night, and there are also certain safety risks. Could you please help us solve this problem." Recently, during a daily visit, villager Sister Zhang asked Guandao Chen Ziyong, secretary of the Xincun Party branch, reported that the street lights in front of his home were in disrepair.

There is no trivial matter in people's livelihood, and the branches and leaves are always related to feelings. After receiving feedback from the masses, Guandao New Village adheres to the purpose of serving the people, pays attention to details, handles small things, and does practical things well. It makes every effort to investigate potential safety hazards of street lighting facilities in the jurisdiction, repairs and replaces them in a timely manner, and strives to solve "emergency problems". "Chou Pan" problem to effectively ensure the travel safety of villagers.

After more than a month of comprehensive investigation and repair, Guandao New Village has repaired and replaced more than 300 malfunctioning street lights in the village area, costing nearly 100,000 yuan. As night fell, street lights gradually lit up along the village road, illuminating the "Safe Road" for villagers to commute. Everyone praised this livelihood project. "The street lights are on, and I feel more at ease. I don't have to worry about not being able to see the road clearly when I go out at night. Now the street lights are bright, which makes our hearts warm. We praise the village cadres for their efficiency!" Villager Sister Zhang said happily! .

"Street lights are one of the important infrastructures in rural areas. They not only illuminate the roads for villagers to travel, but are also a beautiful scenery in the countryside. The putting into use of street lights has greatly improved the nighttime traffic environment of villagers, reduced security and traffic safety hazards, and greatly increased People have a sense of security when traveling at night." Chen Ziyong said that the repair and replacement of street lights for 24 villager groups has been completed so far. In the future, time and energy will continue to be invested in upgrading the streetlights of the remaining villager groups and strengthening the maintenance of streetlight lighting facilities. Management and protection can truly benefit the masses and effectively enhance their sense of gain, happiness, and security.

The street lights are bright and the people's hearts are warm. The upgrading of street lighting facilities is a vivid epitome of Guandao New Village's in-depth promotion of the "walk, look, think and promote" activities. Since 2023, Guandao New Village has persisted in improving grassroots governance and service capabilities under the leadership of party building, focusing on practical matters and key matters concerning people's livelihood that are of concern to the people, encouraging party members and cadres in the village to take the initiative to lead the way, go deep into the front line to solve problems, and solidly promote the "walk, seek, think and promote" activities , strive to use the "motivation" of party members and cadres in exchange for the "taste of happiness" of the masses, do a good job in "heart-warming things" for the masses, and effectively transform the results of activities into practical results that are visible, tangible, needed for development, and satisfactory to the masses , to help the overall revitalization of rural areas.


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