Inner Mongolia Alxa Bayan Muren Sumu installed street lamps to beautify the countryside

In order to improve the night travel conditions of Bayan Muren Sumu farmers and herdsmen in Alxa Left Banner of Alxa League in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and ensure the needs of production and life, after field investigation and careful research by the Sumu Party and Government Joint Committee, it was decided to conduct public inspections in Bayan Muren Sumu Space to carry out lighting projects, improve the construction of village infrastructure.

Inner Mongolia Alxa Bayan Muren Sumu installed street lamps to beautify the countryside

According to the work deployment, the Laoyatan lighting project will start construction as scheduled on July 19, 2023. The project mainly involves important passages for people to travel and key areas of production and life. The radiation range is: Yellow River fishing village, Y003 rural road, Bayantaohaiga Check farms, Bayantaohai activity square, United Gacha farms, United Gacha Yandu Mohe Fishing Park, Shangtan Gacha farms, Shangtan Gacha drying yards and flour mills, and carry out inspections on existing faulty street lights repair. It is planned to complete all construction and maintenance contents in mid-August and put it into use as soon as possible.

The implementation of the rural lighting project is not only a livelihood project, but also a popular project. The lighting project not only improves the infrastructure construction of Gacha, provides lighting for the farmers and herdsmen, so that the people can benefit from it, but also promotes the people's understanding and support for the rural revitalization work, and further enhances the farmers and herdsmen's sense of security, Happiness, a sense of gain.


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