"Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in Key Fields of Light Industry" Released

Recently, the China Light Industry Federation formulated and issued the "Implementation Plan for Carbon Peak in Key Fields of Light Industry" (hereinafter referred to as "Implementation Plan"). The "Implementation Plan" takes key areas and major problems as breakthroughs, selects 9 key areas with high energy consumption, large resource consumption, and supports energy conservation and carbon reduction at the consumer end, and proposes "9 key industries peak actions", and implements policies by category. Accurate planning drives the improvement of energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction in the whole industry.

"Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in Key Fields of Light Industry" Released

What deserves the attention of lighting performance is that the key tasks of the lighting industry's carbon peak action in the "Implementation Plan" include three aspects.

1. Adhere to innovation-driven, promote product optimization and system energy conservation. Carry out research and development and manufacturing of green and low-carbon products, optimize design and process, and promote energy saving and material reduction in the production process. Develop and use LED lighting products with higher light efficiency and longer life, reduce product energy consumption, and improve light utilization. Accelerate the development of lighting products with DC drive technology, and promote the popularization and application of off-grid lighting products represented by photovoltaic products. Research and develop the system energy-saving lighting scene formed by the combination of intelligent control system and LED lighting products, and promote the transformation of the industry from product energy saving to system energy saving.

2. Adhere to market demand and deepen the application of energy-saving and carbon-reducing lighting. Focus on living lighting, road lighting, industrial lighting, and office lighting, and promote the application of high-efficiency and energy-saving lighting. Accelerate the promotion and popularization of smart lighting in smart homes, and further increase the market supply of high-efficiency lighting products. Promote the transformation of road lighting, promote the application of smart light poles, and support the construction of new urbanization and smart cities. Accelerate the energy-saving transformation in the field of industrial lighting, promote the energy-saving transformation of commercial lighting in public institutions, promote the implementation of landscape lighting projects in an orderly manner, and deepen the application of energy-saving and carbon-reducing lighting.

3. Adhere to green development and establish a circular development industrial system. Comprehensively promote the concept of green development, promote the linkage between the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and jointly improve the supply capacity of the green supply chain in the lighting industry. Do a good job in the harmless treatment of mercury-added products, actively carry out green design and green manufacturing, and explore the application technologies of various renewable resources and recyclable production materials in the lighting industry.

In addition to the above requirements, the "Implementation Plan" also puts forward clear requirements for the lighting industry's product energy efficiency level, industrial structure, product supply, strengthening technology, energy conservation and carbon reduction in the two parts of the overall requirements and key tasks, and guides the industry to strengthen the supply of high-efficiency and energy-saving lighting products and the promotion of the circular development of the industrial chain have pointed out the direction for promoting the green and low-carbon development of the lighting industry.

Among the overall requirements, the "Implementation Plan" proposes that by 2025, the supply capacity and level of green and low-carbon consumer goods will continue to improve, and the proportion of general lighting equipment with energy efficiency reaching the energy-saving level will increase by more than 10%, and the ability to help the economic and social green transformation is obvious.

By 2030, the overall layout of industrial green and low-carbon development will be more complete, the intensity of industrial energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions will continue to decline, the supply chain of the green and low-carbon product industry chain will be stable and smooth, and a green, low-carbon, and circular development light industry system will be basically established.

The "Implementation Plan" also proposed three key tasks related to lighting.

1. Adjust and optimize the industrial structure

1. Promote the intensive and coordinated development of industries. Strengthen the concept of low-carbon development, promote the accumulation of element resources to green and low-carbon advantageous enterprises, and guide the efficient and intensive development of the industry. Encourage lighting, home appliances, plastics, batteries and other industries to speed up the construction of green industrial chains and promote the development of industrial cycles.

2. Promote the development of green and low-carbon industries. Implement the "Green Industry Guidance Catalogue" and accelerate the development of industries such as high-efficiency lighting products, high-efficiency and energy-saving household appliances and system manufacturing.

2. Expand the supply of green consumer goods

1. Increase the supply of green household products. Promote energy-saving and environmentally-friendly products such as energy-saving lamps, energy-saving home appliances, water-saving toilets, energy-saving and environmentally friendly stoves, and environmentally friendly furniture to support energy conservation and carbon reduction at the consumer end. Vigorously promote intelligent lighting systems and smart home appliances, encourage enterprises to innovate intelligent energy-saving application scenarios, and improve the overall efficiency of energy-saving at the consumer end with system energy-saving. Among the general lighting equipment in use, the proportion of energy efficiency reaching the advanced level (energy efficiency level 1) and above has increased to 20%, and the proportion of reaching the energy saving level (energy efficiency level 2) and above has increased to 50%.

2. Strengthen the recycling of waste resources. Implement the extended producer responsibility system in lighting, home appliances and other fields, and promote the application of recyclable materials in home appliances.

3. Strengthen technology to save energy and reduce carbon

1. Strengthen key technology research. Concentrate the main forces and focus on key technological breakthroughs to promote the upgrading of traditional technologies and the upgrading of traditional industries. Continuously improve the energy efficiency level of major products in lighting, home appliances, hardware and other industries.

2. Implement green technology transformation. Guide the industry to implement deep decarbonization of production processes and optimize process technologies, and promote energy-saving and low-carbon technology and equipment. Key areas of green technology transformation - lighting appliances: technological transformation of LED lighting product production automation equipment.

Today, the importance of green lighting to the national economy and people's livelihood is becoming more and more prominent. The introduction of the "Implementation Plan" can help all walks of life in the lighting industry to build an industrial powerhouse with high-efficiency and energy-saving lighting products, and continuously promote the high-quality development of green, low-carbon and low-carbon lighting in China.


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