Qingdao Metro Line 13 is equipped with new LED lighting

Through in-depth understanding of the environment and lighting needs of different areas of the subway station, and with the different design solutions of designers, Philips Professional Lighting has customized the overall lighting solution for the Qingdao Line 13 subway station, providing continuous LED light strips, independent LED lights. Line lights, other custom lamps and other professional lighting products.

Qingdao Metro Line 13 is equipped with new LED lighting

A subway station is usually divided into two main areas: the concourse level and the platform level. The concourse level is the "facade" of the station and is the area where passengers change or stay. Therefore, the design of the station hall first needs to be bright and comfortable, but also needs to highlight the image of the subway while taking into account the practicality.

The station hall of Qingdao Metro Line 13 adopts Philips customized continuous LED light strips:

· The light distribution method with neutral color temperature and wide light angle can illuminate every corner of the station hall to the greatest extent, making the station hall look bright and spacious

· High color rendering provides a comfortable lighting experience and leaves a good impression on passengers

· Up to 50,000 hours of life, allowing the station hall to operate with peace of mind for a long time, while greatly reducing maintenance requirements

· The appearance of the lamps perfectly matches the surrounding decoration, making the design of the station hall more integrated

The linear design can play the role of guidance and positioning, making the conversion from the station hall to the platform more clear at a glance

The platform level of the subway is where passengers wait to board. Passengers need to see the information in the station or the specific situation of the subway in order to get on the bus more safely and quickly, and they need a relatively quiet and comfortable space when waiting for the bus. Qingdao Metro Line 13 installed Philips custom freestanding LED linear lights on the platform:

The light distribution method with high color rendering, neutral color temperature and wide light angle makes the platform look bright and spacious, and at the same time brings a comfortable lighting experience to passengers

· Embeddable design, making the platform design more holistic

· Different brightness can be selected to meet the needs of different areas. For example, higher and brighter lighting is used in the security door area at the edge of the platform, making it easier for passengers to see line information and subway conditions.

In addition to meeting functional lighting needs, Philips Professional Lighting also provides customized lamps to match the unique design of some station halls.


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