American lighting manufacturer Acuity Brands announces its entry into the horticultural lighting market

Although LED plant lighting is only one of the niche market segments in the field of lighting, a single spark can start a prairie fire. While the market demand in some regions has cooled down and the overall development of the industry has been slightly slow, there are still manufacturers who are optimistic about the long-term growth potential of the LED plant lighting market and are actively entering this field, such as Acuity Brands (hereinafter referred to as Acuity), a major lighting manufacturer in North America. , the company recently announced its entry into the LED plant lighting market.

American lighting manufacturer Acuity Brands announces its entry into the horticultural lighting market

Acuity launched Verjure, a professional-grade horticultural LED lighting product line for indoor applications. Verjure Pro series LED lamps are specially designed for cultivating vegetables, flowers and other plants, covering the full spectrum range, providing LED lighting support for all growth stages of plants.

According to Acuity, the Verjure Pro series LED lamps are professional-grade products developed based on plant academic research, featuring high reliability, simple appearance, and easy installation, with a working life of up to 50,000 hours.

The Verjure Pro series has three different sizes and light outputs, such as 332W corresponding to PPF 900+umol/s, 695W corresponding to PPF 1850+umol/s, which can meet the diverse planting needs of indoor warehouses, greenhouses, and vertical farms. Compared with 1000W traditional high-pressure sodium lamp grow lamps, Verjure Pro series can achieve higher light output, photosynthetic photon energy efficiency PPE can reach 2.7umol/J, and can also save energy by 40%.

It is reported that Acuity has selected Ultra Yield Solutions as the first distributor of Verjure product line.

Ultra Yield Solutions (UYS) is a professional LED plant lighting and energy management distributor in the United States. It has more than 40 years of experience in distribution. The company team has teamed up with partners to create a new "comprehensive service" mode.

Committed to providing fully integrated solutions, UYS provides growers with lighting, sensors and controls, installation and maintenance, crop-specific consulting and other products and services primarily throughout the United States. In addition, in this cooperation, UYS will provide training support for Acuity, and share its sales channels during the product line introduction to help promote Verjure products.


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