Will LED bulbs burn out?

When it comes to service life, if the death of incandescent bulbs disappears like fireworks, then LED bulbs are the ones that are slowly exiting. When an incandescent light bulb reaches the end of its life cycle, the filament will blow out and there will usually be a puff of smoke inside the bulb. Depending on the power of the bulb, you may even hear a squeaking failure sound. This is what we think of as traditional "burn out"

Will LED bulbs burn out?

LED light bulbs work quite differently. They emit light by energizing a diode, which never "burns out" unless the electrical system powering the diode fails catastrophically. As LED bulbs are used over time, their lighting efficiency will become lower and lower, that is, "lumen decay". You can often see that the outer box of the light bulb says that it can last for XXXX hours and other life estimates, but it does not suddenly turn off as soon as the life is reached, but that it loses enough lighting efficiency after reaching a certain life, and you will turns out that the light bulb is not as bright as it used to be. In theory, LED bulbs can last for a million hours or more, but by the end the light is so dim that you can barely see the interior.

Usually it's not the LEDs that fail LED bulbs, it's almost always a problem with the circuitry inside the bulb. There is only a simple circuit in an incandescent bulb, and a filament in the middle that is used to emit light. The LED bulb has a tiny circuit board with multiple components inside, and there are more "background operations" in comparison. When an LED bulb "burns out," it's almost always because of something malfunctioning on a tiny circuit board, a manufacturing defect, or the bulb overheating.

Especially for LED bulbs installed on closed lamps, because the heat energy cannot be dissipated, it is easy to cause heat accumulation, which will increase the temperature of the internal bulbs, and no matter what kind of bulbs it is, it will be more likely to die prematurely.


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