Ameco hangar takes the lead in adopting LED lighting in China

Beijing Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Ameco) completed the inspection and acceptance of the energy-saving retrofit project for A380 hangars 3# and 4# of the North China Airline, and 148 sets of high-power LED lighting were officially put into use. The success of this project marks that the A380 hangar has become the first aircraft maintenance hangar in China to adopt high-power LED lighting.

Ameco hangar takes the lead in adopting LED lighting in China

In recent years, Ameco's comprehensive support department has taken the lead in promoting the use of energy-saving electrical equipment, especially LED lighting products with low power consumption and long life, which have been widely used in Ameco's Beijing base and North China route center. In 2017, the National Development and Reform Commission's "13th Five-Year Development Plan for the Semiconductor Industry" clearly pointed out that it is necessary to promote the sustainable, healthy and rapid development of the semiconductor lighting industry. Taking this as an opportunity, Ameco decided to use LED lamps in aircraft maintenance hangars to fill the domestic high-power LED lighting market. Blank space for indoor tall spaces.

The hangar LED high-altitude lighting project team conducted a long-term discussion and feasibility analysis during the project promotion process. LED lighting can save energy, but there are also related disadvantages: the light parameters in the indoor high space environment are not as good as other lighting; high-power LEDs generate a lot of heat, which will cause the life of the lamps to decay; directional light causes serious glare, which is not conducive to maintenance operations; the weight is much higher to the original lamps. In order to achieve ideal lighting and energy-saving effects, the project team overcame many technical problems, tested the theory with practice, and finally formulated a strict new standard for the hangar lighting industry. The project team used this standard as the basis for the selection of A380 hangar dome lights, and designed an intelligent area control system, which made the energy saving rate greater than 65%, and successfully completed the renovation project.

The project team held a project summary meeting at the A380 hangar site. After three months of actual use, employees of the North China Airline Center reported, "The new lighting equipment is bright and not dazzling, and there is no burning sensation when working at high altitude at night, and it is very comfortable when working." It has been recognized by users, It is the greatest compliment to the project team.

The success of the project is only the beginning of the application of high-power LED lighting in aircraft maintenance hangars. Based on this project, Ameco's comprehensive support department will sum up experience, continue to promote the development of lighting energy saving work, and illuminate the aviation maintenance industry with new technologies and new standards of the future infrastructure services.


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