2022 Global LED Lighting Market Analysis

The smart lighting market mainly benefits from the decrease in the cost of overall smart lighting solutions and the increasing demand for smart lighting systems by end consumers, driving the growth of the IoT lighting market, especially in the smart home lighting market. In addition, the government's investment in smart building lighting, the development of smart urbanization and the development of future industrial automation will also drive the market demand for smart lighting to increase. Trend Force estimates that the global smart lighting market will reach USD 8.19 billion in 2022, growing by 21.5%.

2022 Global LED Lighting Market Analysis

Global LED Plant Lighting Market Analysis

Although the 2H21 LED plant lighting market is not developing as expected, the terminal application market is slowing down, and the market is generally weak. In addition to the shipping schedule and the shortage of power ICs, it is also affected by the general environment, including negative political factors, especially for shipping ships. The period will have a greater impact on the terminal lighting manufacturers, and the freight cost will rise.

However, the rapid growth of the North American medical and recreational cannabis market has accelerated the application of LED plant lighting. Coupled with the increasing frequency of extreme global climate change, indoor farming is investing in new construction to shorten the food supply chain to address food safety. In addition, with the development of smart agriculture, the demand for lighting by farmers is increasing.

The above factors make the LED penetration rate continue to increase. According to the latest research data from Trend Force, the global LED plant lighting market will grow by 10.4% to US$1.85 billion in 2022, with a compound growth rate of 13.0% from 2021 to 2026.

2020-2021 (E) Revenue Performance of LED Lighting Manufacturers

According to the latest data analysis by Trend Force, the global lighting market demand will gradually recover in 2021. With the rising price of lighting products, and lighting products are increasingly becoming integrated lamps and smart systematization, it is estimated that the revenue of lighting manufacturers in 2021 will show 3%-13 %increase. Many lighting manufacturers have a clearer understanding of the needs and habits of consumers. Based on the purpose of safety and health, they have added intelligent control technology to create a healthy lighting experience with humanized needs. This will be a continuous driving force for the growth of lighting manufacturers' revenue.


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