Classroom LED lighting design

Classrooms are the places where students spend the longest time each day. Unpleasant lighting affects not only students’ learning but also students’ myopia.

Classroom LED lighting design

In the past, the lighting in the classroom was generally only required to be bright enough and not easily broken. Today, the times are not the same. With the improvement of the teaching environment and the development of lighting technology, lighting standards have become the minimum requirements for classroom lighting. Further consideration should be given to visual protection, energy saving, and environmental protection indicators.

According to China's first white paper on the study of visual health, National Vision Health, the proportion of myopia among people over 5 years of age is 35.16% to 39.21%, that is, every 3 people have 1 person who is myopic, and the total number of patients suffering from myopia. Between 437 and 487 million.

It can be seen that to prevent myopia we must start with the baby. According to surveys, Chinese primary and secondary school students spend about 60% of their time in the classroom every day. When the classroom has insufficient lighting and lighting conditions and the light is too dark, students will instinctively approach the books. As time passes, they will naturally cause changes in the refractive system of the eyes. Myopia occurs. In the National Natural Science Foundation of China's "The Study of Healthy Lighting in Classrooms Based on Photobiological Effects", it is more scientifically shown that school classroom lighting will directly affect students' learning efficiency and visual health.

At present, the old-fashioned fluorescent lamp support can’t meet the lighting requirements of the school teaching. The classroom lighting must perform their duties. The lighting environment of the classroom should meet the writing requirements of the students and teachers on the desktop and the blackboard. Therefore, when selecting lamps, it is necessary to consider Different classroom environment characteristics, choose a reasonable form of lighting and lighting methods.


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