Hong Kong Poly University R & D most power-saving LED filament light

Hong Kong Poly University R & D most power-saving LED filament light

Hong Kong Polytechnic University using the new nano-processing technology, developed the market's most power-saving LED filament light, luminous efficiency of the traditional LED lights 1.5 times the price and cost of half of the traditional LED lights, filament lamp electricity and carbon emissions Less than half of the traditional compact fluorescent lamps, is expected to produce and launch this year.

Technology R & D, Poly University Industrial and Systems Engineering graduate Zhao Chongzhi said that the total development cost of the product is about 300,000RMB, 2015, "PolyU Micro Fund" allocated 100,000 RMB, the remaining balance supported by the laboratory, is currently with four to Five companies to discuss cooperation, is expected to mid-year production and launch of the market.


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