LED lighting fast development in Southeast Asia

LED lighting in the rapidly growing Southeast Asian region, in addition to infrastructure outside the drive thanks to the development and influence of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations also had a great role in promoting. Association of Southeast Asian Nations is a collection of regional countries in Southeast Asia a governmental international organization. Since the establishment of the ASEAN in 1967, it is one of the regions fastest growing global economy.

LED lighting fast development in Southeast Asia

ASEAN not only actively negotiate free trade agreements outside, but set a goal of establishment of "ASEAN Economic Community" in 2015. ASEAN to establish the ASEAN Community will become a single market and manufacturing base. ASEAN Economic Community scheduled for execution by the end of 2015, aims to promote the free flow of capital flows of goods, services, labor and professional, as well as the Member States.

In the Policy and Standards section, after the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community will be performed electronic equipment, uniform standards AHEEERR. Since 2016, electronic equipment products in a particular country through the local safety certification, making trafficking in other ASEAN countries. Implementation of uniform standards for products exported to the Southeast Asian market will undoubtedly bring a significant positive. For LED manufacturers to enter the Southeast Asian market without the need for multi-standard certification, direct savings in cost and time exports. And increased trading opportunities, products exported to Southeast Asia can be sold once in the entire ASEAN range. As for the local market and consumers, the implementation of a unified standard of healthy competition so that more can be added, is conducive to enhancing product quality and specification, thus improving market acceptance.

Under the fast-growing market and favorable policies, the Southeast Asian market is bound to become an important battleground overseas Chinese LED manufacturers in the future. However, manufacturers and channels needed to choose their own local markets and models, in order to quickly and effectively develop the market.


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